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· Campbeltown Parish Profile ·


Campbeltown Parish Church is situated In Longrow Street in the heart of the Royal Burgh of Campbeltown. The Royal Charter being granted in 1700.

Campbeltown Parish Church has grown from the other churches in the town as congregation needs have changed over the years. Castlehill Church closed in 1971, Lochend Church in 1985 (now the site of Tesco car park), Lorne Street Church, known locally as the tartan church due to the colour of its stonework, closed in 1986 have all joined together with the Lowland Church and became Lorne and Lowland Church.

Now in 2023, Lorne and Lowland and the Highland Parish (originally the Gaelic speaking church) have united to become Campbeltown Parish Church.

Campbeltown Parish Church manse is a modern styled bungalow with gardens both front and back. It is situated in the town, close to schools and shops.

The church has four halls which are used by various clubs and community groups on a weekly basis as well as bible class and active Sunday School. The church uses social media to inform the community of services and other activities. There is also a local paper which publishes Church Notices. Services are held on a Sunday at 11:15 and communion takes place twice a year in May and November with lunch communion for the infirm and elderly in one of the church halls.




The roles of church officer, session clerk and treasurer are all fulfilled by the church members as are the office bearers. Baptisms, weddings and funerals are all important services offered by the church. There is also a Women’s group, Messy Church, Mums and Toddlers, Creche and South Kintyre Youth group (SKY).

In common with other churches the average age of attendance is 60 -75 years of age. With the right leadership we hope that more young people will join the fellowship. The church supports Christian Aid, Fair Trade and the Scottish Bible Society with elders actively engaged.

Communion roll is 862 with 60-80 in regular attendance.

Other churches in the community are St Kieran’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Campbeltown Free Church, St Kieran’s Catholic Church, Springbank Evangelical Church, Campbeltown Community Church (who use one of our halls) and the Salvation Army. All of which work well together.

Campbeltown Parish Church is financially sound. Current plans are to update and install a new heating system early in 2023. New windows and stonework also taking place in one of our halls.